Sequence of Fuzzy Topographic Topological Mapping


  • Siti Suhana Jamaian
  • Tahir Ahmad
  • Jamalludin Talib



Algebraic progression, Geometrical object, Mathematical Induction, Topological space,


Fuzzy Topographic Topological Mapping, shortly FTTM, is a model for solving neuromagnetic inverse problem. FTTM consist of four topological spaces and connected by three homeomorphisms. FTTM 1 and FTTM 2 were developed to
present 3-D view of an unbounded single current source and bounded multicurrent sources, respectively. Liau Li Yun (2006) showed that FTTM 1 and FTTM 2 are homeomorphic and this homeomorphism will generate another 14 FTTM. She then conjectured if there exist n elements of FTTM then the numbers of new elements are n4 − n . The 1purpose of this paper is to study the geometrical features of FTTM. In the process, several definitions were developed which may be used to prove the conjecture. This paper will show the proof of the conjecture and their extension result.


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