Role of Fibroblast Growth Factor Pathway Receptor Genes in Breast Cancer
FGF pathways, breast cancer, clinical information, Kaplan-Meier test, Chi-Square test, BRB array, IBM SPSS, FGFR1, FGFR1OP2, FGF2, FGFR2, cancer progression.Abstract
This study investigates the role of the Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) Pathway in breast cancers at the RNA expression level. Key cancer-related genes within the FGF pathway were analysed using datasets containing RNA and clinical information for breast cancer patients. The study involved 266, 289, and 2089 patient samples across different datasets. Various statistical tests, including Kaplan-Meier Test, Chi-Square Test, overall survival, and disease-free survival analysis, were conducted using tools such as BRB array and IBM SPSS Statistics. Associations between RNA expression and clinicopathological features were identified, such as FGFR1 being linked to early-stage grades and FGFR1OP associated with late-stage grades. Expression patterns of specific genes were also correlated with different cancer statuses. Surprisingly, survival analysis revealed contradictory findings, with FGFR1OP2 and FGF2 associated with poor overall survival, FGFR2 with good survival, and FGFR1OP2 linked to poor disease-free survival in breast cancer. These inconsistencies emphasize the necessity of additional study to better understand the dual roles of FGF pathway genes in cancer progression.
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