Synthesis of Nanomagnetite/Crosslinked Carboxymethyl kappa Carrageenan Nickel Imprinted Composite
Nano magnetite, Adsorption, NM/CMKCNi(II)-IIP, Carboxymethyl k-Carrageenan, Ni(II) ionAbstract
Nickel(II) ions are carcinogenic water pollutants. To increase the accuracy of instrumental analysis of Ni(II) content, several analytical preparation methods have been developed, including solid phase adsorption extraction. The development of magnetic solid phase extraction adsorbents for metal ions is required, to support the application of magnetic solid phase adsorption as a method of separating metal ions in aqueous samples. This research describes the synthesis of Magnetic Solid Phase Extraction adsorbents as Ni(II) ion adsorbents, nano magnetite/carboxymethyl kappa-carrageenan (CMKC) crosslinked bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (BADGE) imprinted Ni(II)-IIP ion composites. This research was carried out in several stages, synthesis and characterization of nano magnetite (NM), synthesis and characterization of CMKC, and synthesis of NM/CMKCNi(II)-IIP adsorbents. The results of the synthesis were analyzed for morphological characteristics, magnetic strength, spectral characteristics, crystallinity, and composition using SEM, FTIR, XRD, and XRF instruments. The adsorption ability of Ni(II) of the adsorbent was tested. Determination of Ni(II) ion content in the sample before and after adsorption was carried out using a flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (FAAS). Based on the results of spectral character analysis, crystal diffraction patterns, magnetic strength, and morphology, it is confirmed that nano-magnetite has been successfully synthesized. The diameter of the nano magnetite grains is 21.8 nm, the adsorbent NM/CMKCNi(II)-IIP has magnetic properties and wavy surface morphology. The optimum adsorption ability of Ni(II) for the NM/CMKCNi(II)-IIP composite was 2.44 mg Ni(II)/g adsorbent. To evaluate the tendency of the adsorption ability of the adsorbent towards Ni(II) ions in the presence of competitor ions, the adsorption ability of the adsorbent to adsorp Ni(II) ions in samples containing Ni(II) ions, Pb(II) ions and a mixture of Ni(II) ions. and Pb(II) were determined, based on the results of the analysis, the ability of the adsorbent to adsorb Ni(II) ions was higher than the ability of the adsorbent to adsorb Pb(II) ions, in all types of samples.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Irma Kartika Kusumaningrum, Mira Nur Fadilah, Anugrah Ricky Wijaya, Habiddin Habiddin, Meliza Armaya

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