Determine of copper metal in cooking oil by saponification method with atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS)


  • Usreg Sri Handajani
  • Muji Harsini
  • Zaldy Wicaksono



Cooking oil, Saponification, Cu, Destruction


A research on the analysis of copper metal in the cooking oil saponification by AAS method. This study aimed to validate analytical methods, including precision and accuracy in the determination of copper metal in cooking oils through saponification and knowing destructed Cu content in cooking oils on the market. This research was done by creating a simulation of cooking oils and then added with a solution with various concentrations of Cu2+, reacted with KOH for saponification, then destructed dried, and absorbance was measured using an atomic absorption spectrometer. Results of accuracy (recovery) be obtained average of 96.88, 97.35, and 97.36% and precision values of 0.8233, 0.3154, and 0.4803%. It can be concluded that this method is very well used to determine the concentration of copper metal contained in cooking oils, and Cu content in cooking oils on the market for bulk cooking oil 1 at 11.5 mg/kg, bulk cooking oil 2 at 10.9 mg/kg, and for branded cooking oil at 7.4 mg/kg.




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