Rhythms Synchronization Effects on Cognition during Listening to Quranic Recitation
Acoustic stimulation, Al-Quran, Brain oscillations, Cognitive neuroscience, Multivariate analysis, Signal analysis.Abstract
Sound has rhythms that can interact with human brain rhythms. The interaction may improve human cognition through neuronal synchronization. However, research on the synchronization effects of listening to the Holy Quran remains elusive. This study aimed to learn the potential synchronous effects of Quranic listening in beta frequency through electroencephalographic oscillatory dataset. Subjects were listening to Fatihah Chapter, Arabic News and Rest in random sequence. Data were pre-processed followed by neuroimaging analysis using BESA Research 6.1. Repeated Measures ANOVA and Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) algorithm were applied to elucidate the significantly different EEG electrode channels compared to Rest and their clusters. Results showed that Beta rhythms synchronization with the Fatihah Chapter is associated with verbal fluency, academic performance, social interaction, inhibitory function, movement planning, self-motivation, self-management and reactivation of sensory features of memory trace as highly activated cluster, followed by working memory, language processing and decision making as medially activated cluster; and tune recognition and visual mental imagery as low activated neural circuits cluster during listening to the Fatihah Chapter.
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