Imazalil sulphate pesticide degradation using silver loaded hollow anatase TiO2 under UV light irradiation
Silver nanoparticles, hollow anatase TiO2, imazalil sulphate, UV irradiation, photodegradation.Abstract
Silver loaded hollow anatase TiO2 particles with the location of silver are inside (Ag@TiO2) and outside (Ag/TiO2) the hollow TiO2 structure have been successfully synthesized by a deposition-precipitation and template methods. The effects of silver nanoparticles location on Ag@TiO2 andAg@TiO2 has been evaluated in the photodegradation efficiency of imazalil sulphate pesticide in aqueous suspension under ultraviolet irradiation. The Ag/TiO2 showed better photocatalytic performance for the degradation of imazalil sulphate, compared to Ag@TiO2 and hollow TiO2 microspheres. A higher photocatalytic activity of Ag/TiO2 compared to Ag@TiO2 and hollow TiO2 can be considered as an evidence of enhanced charge separation of Ag/TiO2 photocatalyst as confirmed by photoluminescence spectroscopy.
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