Optimising Terung Asam (Solanum lasiocarpum Dunal.) Sauce for Enhanced Phenolics, Flavonoids, and Antioxidant Capacity with Physicochemical Properties and Storage Stability Analysis


  • Muhammad Naufal Qaweim Rushdy Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
  • Mohammad Amil Zulhilmi Benjamin Borneo Research on Algesia, Inflammation and Neurodegeneration (BRAIN) Group, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
  • Mohd Azrie Awang ᵃFaculty of Food Science and Nutrition, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia ᶜFood Security Research Laboratory, Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia




Terung asam sauce, D-optimal mixture design, physicochemical, storage stability.


Solanum lasiocarpum Dunal, commonly referred to as ‘terung asam’, is a native plant of Borneo Island that is widely utilised in Sarawak, Malaysia, for its culinary and medicinal applications. While terung asam has been commercialised into products such as sauces, research on optimising its sauce formulations remains limited. This study utilised a D-optimal mixture design, a method from response surface methodology, to optimise terung asam sauce (TAS) formulations using terung asam (TA) purée, virgin coconut oil (VCO), and garlic powder (GP). The focus was on three key responses: total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), and antioxidant capacity via 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay. The physicochemical properties, including pH, colour, water activity, and storage stability analysis, were evaluated for the optimal TAS formulation. The optimal TAS formulation comprised 98.46%, 0.73%, and 0.81% for TA, VCO, and GP, respectively, with both predicted and actual values aligning and meeting acceptance error criteria. The physicochemical parameters for the optimal TAS formulation were within the optimal ranges, while TPC, TFC, and DPPH showed a slight decline over the storage period of 28 days. In conclusion, optimising TAS formulations offers an innovative approach to developing a healthy food product with high antioxidant properties and extended shelf life.


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