ECG Signal Data Classification System Based on Hankel Dynamic Mode Decomposition


  • Chuchu Liang ᵃSchool of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia ᵇSchool of General Studies, Shanxi Institute of Science and Technology, 048000 Jincheng, Shanxi, China
  • Majid Khan Majahar Ali School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
  • Lili Wu School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
  • Zhixiang Zhang School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Shanxi Normal University, 030000 Taiyuan, Shanxi, China



Hankel matrix, Hankel dynamic mode decomposition (HDMD), classifier, ECG signals.


The modes in the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal can be divided into stable modes and unstable modes. The unstable modes are of great significance for signal analysis and classification. When the traditional dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) method is directly applied to these signals, it is difficult to effectively extract these key modes due to the rank mismatch problem of the data matrix. In order to better capture and analyze unstable modes, this study introduced the Hankel matrix to expand ECG data and used it as the input of DMD to propose the Hankel dynamic mode decomposition (HDMD) method. Although HDMD has been applied in other physiological signal processing, this study is the first to successfully apply it to multi-lead ECG signal analysis. By optimizing the delay parameters of the Hankel matrix and retaining the modes that account for 90% of the singular value decomposition energy, we significantly improve the effectiveness of feature extraction. Each type of abnormal ECG signal data is classified on the PTB Diagnostic ECG database. The experimental results of the proposed model are compared with the direct use of DMD for modal extraction. The highest classification accuracy of multi-modal ECG signal data extracted by HDMD is more than 10% higher than that using DMD. At the same time, the mean squared error (MSE) of the reconstruction using HDMD is 0.282 lower than that of DMD, indicating a significant improvement in reconstruction accuracy. Further illustrating the proposed method, the HDMD method can better capture and analyze the unstable modes in the ECG signal, thereby significantly improving the accuracy and robustness of signal classification. Future work will focus on further optimizing the parameter selection of the HDMD model and exploring its application potential in real-time heart disease monitoring and early warning systems.


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