Valency-Based Molecular Descriptor on Structural Property Relationship of Ni Tetrathiafulvalene Tetrathionate
Ni Tetrathiafulvalene tetrathionate, edge partition, valency-based molecular descriptors, structural-properties, topological indices.Abstract
Induced by quantitative structural relationships, valency-based topological indices have been investigated for predicting the structural properties of Ni Tetrathiafulvalene tetrathionate (NiTTFtt) like 2D sheet. Through the use of topological indices, the Kubelka-Munk function for bad gap energy, vibrational frequencies of IR spectroscopy, and graph energy of NiTTFtt like 2D sheet are calculated. The structural features studied have applications such as biosensing, drug discovery, chemical graph theory, machine learning, and more. This main study focused on deriving expressions and numerical values of valency-based topological indices for NiTTFtt like 2D sheet. Additionally, we employed technique to calculate the Kubelka-Munk function values linearly increase when obtained directly from numerical values of valency-based topological indices. Finally, for investigating the properties of NiTTFtt like 2D sheet, statistical correlation analysis shows a significant correlation with vibrational frequencies.
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