Queues with two units connected in series with a multiserver bulk service with accessible and non accessible batch in unit II


  • G. Ayyappan
  • S. Velmurugan




Bulk service queues, Accessible and Non-accessible Batch service, Matrix geometric method, Steady state solution,


This paper analyses a queueing model consisting of two units I and II connected in series, separated by a finite buffer of size N. Unit I has only one exponential server capable of serving customers one at a time. Unit II consists of c parallel exponential servers and they serve customers in groups according to the bulk service rule. This rule admits each batch served to have not less than ‘a’ and not more than ‘b’ customers such that the arriving customers can enter service station without affecting the service time if the size of the batch being served is less than ‘d’ ( a ≤ d ≤ b ). The steady state
probability vector of the number of customers waiting and receiving service in unit I and waiting in the buffer is obtained using the modified matrix-geometric method. Numerical results are also presented. AMS Subject Classification number: 60k25 and 65k30


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