Neem Leave (Azadirachta Indica): Extraction, Fractionation, Phytochemical Screening, Antioxidant and Food Antifungal Activities
neem leave extract, total phenolic, total flavonoid, antioxidant, food antifungal.Abstract
Neem (Azadirachta indica), a widely recognized medicinal plant, is known for its numerous therapeutic properties. People use neem leaves to increase their appetite to treat dysentery, malarial ulcers, and bacterial infections. Research on neem leaves that has been done is still focused on extracts, but not their fractions. This study aimed to extract neem leaves that separate the components based on their polarity (fractionation), analyze and identify their components, and test antioxidant and antifungal activities. The research stages caried out include (1) extraction and fractionation, (2) analysis (thin layer chromatography, bromine, visible and IR spectrophotometry), (3) phytochemical identification, and (4) assay of antioxidant and antifungal activities. The yield of extraction with methanol is 8.08%. Fractionation of the methanol extract using n-hexane, ethyl acetate, 1-butanol, and methanol-water produced yields of 13.86, 6.84, 16.58, and 48.68%, respectively. The methanol extract contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids, and saponins, while each fraction contains flavonoids, phenolics, tannins, terpenoids, and saponins. Flavonoid and phenolic compounds is dominant in methanol extract, ethyl acetate fraction, and 1-butanol fraction. Both the two groups of compounds are most content in the ethyl acetate fraction, namely total flavonoid content 17.32 and total phenolic content 12.80 mg GAE/g sample. Ethyl acetate fraction shows the best antioxidant and antifungal activity. The antioxidant activity of this fraction is in the strong category with IC50 19.06 ppm, but weaker than ascorbic acid. The ethyl acetate fraction was able to withstand the growth of mold on white bread for 96 hours at 500 ppm and 120 hours at 2000 ppm. The content of flavonoid and phenolic compounds indicates that it mainly contributes to antioxidant and antifungal activity, and there is a significant relationship between antioxidant and antifungal activity. Neem leaf extract has the potential to be an antioxidant and antifungal for food, especially methanol extract, ethyl acetate, and 1-butanol fractions. Therefore, ethyl acetate and 1-butanol fractions could be an alternative to natural additives in white bread formulations.
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