Picone Identities of a Certain Class of Conformable Half Linear Anisotropic Biharmonic Equations
Picone identities, anisotropic biharmonic equations, anisotropic hardy type inequality, oscillation.Abstract
Main aim of this article, we derive sufficient conditions of new results for Picone identities for a certain class of conformable half-linear anisotropic biharmonic equations. We derive a Strumiancomparison theorem and oscillation results. Furthermore, the oscillation results are different from the most known ones in the sense that they are based on the information for radial solutions. This paper's expand upon and broaden a few of the previously established results for conformable half-linear anisotropic biharmonic equations. If and then conformable half-linear anisotropic biharmonic equations (4) become the classical biharmonic equation. These novel outcomes add to the body of knowledge already available in the classical example. To illustrate the usefulness of our new results, we give an example.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Priyadharshini Sundaravadivel, Sadhasivam Vadivel, Viswanathan Kodakkal Kannan, Sankar Duraisamy Sambasivam

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