Integrating Fuzzy-Based Evaluation Method to Analyse Attributes and Parameters for the Assessment Model Development
Triangular fuzzy conjoint, Fuzzy Delphi method, assessment model, attributes and parameters, fuzzy-based evaluation method.Abstract
In this paper, an assessment model was developed based on the proposed integrated fuzzy-based evaluation method on students' mathematics learning ability. This model classifies six main attributes that structure the overall evaluation model into several parameters. The weightings of these main attributes and parameters were collected through fuzzy questionnaires among teachers and experts based on triangular fuzzy conjoint and fuzzy Delphi methodology. This highlighted integration contributes to a more reasonable and effective procedure for developing a structured and dynamic assessment model. It can reduce the problem of the measurement results obtained straying from the structure of the developed model due to procedural errors in identifying and analyzing the attributes and parameters of the model when it was developed. In addition, the presented case application also provides an analysis protocol that is simpler and easier compared to other complicated and complex approaches to developing assessment models.
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