Enhanced Method for Estimating Unknown Parameters in Single Diode Model for Solar Photovoltaic Cells
Photovoltaic, Single diode model, Solar cell, Parameter determination, ModellingAbstract
Three models of equivalent circuit are frequently applied for modelling solar cells/modules: single, double and three diode models. Among these, the single diode (SD) model is currently the most widely applied for solar cell modelling. This model is characterized by five parameters, which can be estimated using various methods. In the present work, the unknown parameters of this model are determined using an improved hybrid method. Our research introduces an innovative approach for this purpose. Our method formulates and resolves the equations defining these critical parameters. Particularly, our main objective revolves around estimating the diode's saturation current (I0), series resistance, photocurrent (Iph) and parallel resistance (Rsh), ideality factor ( through these equations. We confirmed our method reliability by thoroughly simulating the I-V curves of six PV cells, showing the credibility and the precision of our approach. This research significantly advances solar cell modelling by offering an improved technique for estimating crucial parameters within the SD model, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of solar cell performance predictions.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mansouri Ali Mansouri, Maria AMAIDI, Lassaad Zaaraoui

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