Stability Scrutinization of Time Depending Flow of a Ternary Hybrid Nanofluid Past a Shrinking Sheet with Wall Mass Suction Effect
Nanofluid, heat transfer, dual solutions, stability analysisAbstract
The dynamics of unsteady flow of a ternary hybrid nanofluid on a stretching/shrinking sheet with wall mass suction is numerically analysed. In this study, a mixture of Al2O3, Cu, and TiO2 is employed as additives in water, which serves as the base fluid. The equations governed the problem are simplified into a collection of ODEs by adopting the similarity transformation. Maintaining the flow on a shrinking sheet is reliant on the essential aspect of suction. Furthermore, augmenting the strength of suction amplifies the thermal conductivity process of the flow. Additionally, this study unveils dual solutions existing within a defined range of parameters. It has been determined that one solution exhibits long-term stability, whereas the other solution is deemed unstable through the stability analysis conducted.
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