Optimize Nonlinear Effects on Fundamental and High-order Soliton in Photonic Crystal Fiber


  • Mohammed Salim Jasim AL-Taie Gifted Guardianship Committee, Directorate of Education, Misan, Iraq
  • Wisam Roiss Matrood Department of Physics, College of Education, Misan University, Iraq




Photonic crystal fibers (PCFs), supercontinum generation (SCG), soliton, nonlinear effects (NLE)


Nonlinear effects in optical fibers are mainly caused by two sources: inelastic scattering behaviour or the intensity sensitivity of the medium's refractive index. The propagation process in photonic crystal fibers is more complex than the propagation process of first-order solitons, second-order solitons, and third-order solitons. This article discusses the effects of propagation on first-, second- and third-order solitons. A popular approach to supercontinuum generation through soliton fission is the higher-order soliton technique for spectral generation.


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