Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Ratios of the Percentiles of the Delta-Lognormal Distribution
Delta-lognormal distribution, fiducial generalized confidence interval, highest posterior density credible interval, PercentilesAbstract
Statistical percentiles are extremely important and valuable measurement tools in various contexts. They offer significant advantages when it comes to estimating a wide range of values across different fields, making them essential in statistical analysis and research. This importance motivates researchers to study the construction of simultaneous confidence intervals for ratios of percentiles of the delta-lognormal distribution. This research introduces four distinct methods for constructing such confidence intervals: the fiducial generalized confidence interval, the Bayesian-based highest posterior density credible interval using Jeffreys prior, Jeffreys rule prior, and Uniform prior. All methods are subjected to evaluation and comparison through coverage probabilities and expected lengths in Monte Carlo simulations. The simulation study shows that, overall, the Bayesian-based highest posterior density credible interval works better and more accurately than the fiducial generalized confidence interval. To further validate the findings of the simulation study, these methods are applied to real-world daily rainfall data collected from a river basin in Thailand.
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