Superior Performances of Q-Switched and Mode-Locked Erbium-doped Fiber Laser using Black Titanium Dioxide Thin-film Saturable Absorbers
Saturable absorber, fiber laser, black titanium dioxide, q-switch, mode-lockedAbstract
This work reports on the improved Q-switched and mode-locked performances of black titanium dioxide (BTiO2-x) nanoparticles embedded in thin-film composite material as a saturable absorber compared to TiO2 in an erbium-doped fiber laser. The thin-film saturable absorbers were prepared by mixing the nanoparticles with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as a host. BTiO2-x has a better nonlinear absorption coefficient, β of -12.46 x 10-7 m/W compared to -7.15x 10-7 m/W for TIO2 determined using z-scan measurement. The laser performance was evaluated in the 85.21 mW – 126.48 mW pump power range. Upon inserting TiO2 and BTiO2-x SA in a laser cavity, the peaks of the output spectrum shifted from 1566.62 nm to 1563.24 nm and 1565.75 nm, respectively. Regarding Q-switched performances, BTiO2-x SA generates a shorter pulse width of 16.00 µs than TiO2 SA. The slope efficiency of the TiO2 SA was 11.72 %, which is higher than the slope efficiency of the BTiO2-x SA. The maximum average and peak power generated by the BTiO2-x SA were 55.67 % and 54.83 % higher than the TiO2 SA. As for mode-locked outputs, BTiO2-x SA can generate pulsed laser at a low threshold power of 62.29 mW compared to TiO2 SA. Furthermore, BTiO2-x SA produced a shorter pulse width of 5.04 ps, whereas TiO2 is 9.20 ps. This study demonstrates that BTiO2-x SA has the potential to produce ultrashort pulse width using the mode-locked technique.
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