Maximizing the Supply Chain Profit in Multimodal Transportation Problem with Transfer Part using Two-Echelon Genetic Algorithm
Multimodal Transportation, Two-echelon Genetic Algorithm, Supply Chain ProfitAbstract
Multimodal transportation is a highly effective method for optimizing deadlines and reducing inventory costs, both of which are crucial in a supply chain environment. This study employs a mathematical programming model to optimize the supply chain profit for multimodal transportation distribution within a specified time window. The model considers five factors, such as production cost, transportation cost, transport time, penalty cost, and sales price. Additionally, a Two-Echelon Genetic Algorithm (TEGA) is proposed to solve the optimization problem, and a numerical example is provided to validate the model and algorithm. The study compares the performance of the proposed algorithm with the exact solution from a previous study, presents implementation details and numerical experiment results, and analyses the findings. The results demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the algorithm, making it a significant contribution to transportation planning for freight transportation and supply chain management.
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