Two-Dimensional Heavy Metal Migration in Soil with Adsorption and Instantaneous Injection
Advection diffusion equation, Instantaneous injection, Laplace transform, Two-dimensional, Heavy metalAbstract
This paper studies a two-dimensional transport model to investigate the behavior of heavy metal migration in porous media, specifically considering their transport in soil. The model takes into consideration the combination of adsorption term as well as instantaneous injection at the boundary. Also, the model accounts for both longitudinal and transverse movements, providing a comprehensive understanding of heavy metal transport phenomena. In order to obtain the analytical solution Laplace transform has been implemented. It is found that the peak concentration of heavy metals is found to be greatly affected by the changes in the instantaneous injection value. Additionally, a correlation is observed between retardation factors and heavy metal concentrations, with a decrease in retardation factors resulting in an increase in heavy metal concentration.
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