Fuzzy Intuitionistic Alpha Cut of B-Spline Curve Interpolation Modeling for Shoreline Island Data
Uncertainty data, fuzzy set theory, intuitionistic fuzzy set, geometric modelingAbstract
Traditional approaches are unable to handle the uncertainty data issue, which leads to inaccurate data analysis and prediction. Data with uncertainty are frequently collected during the data collection phase but cannot be directly used to create geometric models. Therefore, using intuitionistic alpha cuts for the uncertainty data, this paper discusses B-Spline curve interpolation modeling. To resolve the uncertain data and produce the mathematical model, fuzzy set theory, intuitionistic fuzzy sets, and geometry modeling are combined. Three main procedures are used in detail, the first of which is the application of fuzzy set theory to defined uncertainty data, followed by the use of an intuitionistic fuzzy set to take into account the membership, non-membership, and indeterminacy values of the alpha, and finally the fuzzification and defuzzification procedures. The B-spline curve interpolation function is used in geometric modeling to create mathematical geometry in the form of curves. As a result, several numerical examples are provided, along with their algorithms for producing the desired curve.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Arina Nabilah Jifrin, Rozaimi Zakaria, Isfarita Ismail

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