Optical System to Recognize Car Plate Ownership
Detect Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF features, matching features, Extract Histograms of Oriented Gradients features, cascade classifierAbstract
The process development of the image processing can solve the problem of detection and recognition of the license plate by taking pictures of the cars and then recognizing them. Most traffic applications rely on automatic vehicle plate detection in parking lots, border control, speed control, etc. In this study, a smart visual system was presented to identify car plates in the College of Science for Girls - University of Baghdad parking lot. The work included distinguishing the car plate and identifying cars, whether they belonged to the college or not. This process was based on the Cascade Classifier method based on the Viola-Jones algorithm, and a database for all car plate features was stored in a file using the proposed method. The recognized car was compared with the characteristics of the database using Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF then features were extracted using Histograms of Oriented Gradients. The license plate is recognized when matching features are employed using the matching feature’s function. The results of congruence and discrimination were excellent and very highly efficient. The luminous intensity dependence is considered, as the work is based on the red band of the car's image.
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Copyright (c) 2023 MUHAMMAD SAFWAN ABD AZIZ, Noor M Hashem, Heba Kh Abbas, Haidar J. Mohamad

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