Biosynthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles using Single Garlic Callus Extract (Allium sativum L.)
Silver nanoparticle, biosynthesis, stability, garlic, callusAbstract
Nanotechnology is a relatively new and innovative field with huge potential for application in the food and drug industries. Due to their excellent physicochemical and biological properties, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are often utilized in various applications and have been the subject of substantial research. AgNP synthesis using plant extracts has recently gained popularity due to their environmental friendliness, affordability, and potent functionality in several applications. The present study evaluated the biosynthesis, stability, and characteristics of AgNPs using a single garlic callus extract (Allium sativum L.) AgNPs were synthesized using single garlic callus extract (AgNPs-As) by adding 1 mM AgNO3 to ethanolic extracts of single garlic callus at a 1:9 ratio, incubating at 35 °C for 48 h, and observing the colloidal color change. Spectrophotometry (absorption at 200–800 nm), SEM, EDX, PSA, FTIR, and XRD were used for their characterization. The present study showed a colloidal color change to brown, indicating the formation of AgNPs-As. The characterization of AgNPs-As using SEM, EDX, PSA, and XRD revealed a spherical morphology with an average size of 201.9 nm. Several active compounds were identified from different peaks, indicating the presence of several types of biological functional groups, such as alkaloids, terpenoids, carbonyl groups, esters, halides, and alcohol were also confirmed using FTIR spectroscopy.
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