Automatic Car Number Plate Detection using Morphological Image Processing
Car plate, car number detection, edge detection, feature extraction, OpenCVAbstract
One of the most common uses of computer vision, automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) is also a pretty well-explored subject with numerous effective solutions. Due to regional differences in license plate design, however, these solutions are often optimized for a specific setting. Number plate recognition algorithms are often dependent on these aspects, making a universal solution unlikely due to the fact that the image analysis methods used to develop these algorithms cannot guarantee a perfect success rate. In this research, we offer an algorithm tailor-made for use with brand-new license plates in Iraq. The method employs edge detection, Feature Detection, and mathematical morphology to find the plate; it was developed in C++ using the OpenCV library. When characters were found on the plate, they were entered into the Easy OCR engine for analysis.
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Copyright (c) 2023 MUHAMMAD SAFWAN ABD AZIZ, Mustafa Qahtan Alsudani, Safa Riyadh Waheed, Karrar A Kadhim, Myasar Mundher Adnan, Ameer Al-khaykan

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