Post-quantum Techniques in Wireless Network Security: An Overview
BB84, E91, post-quantum, quantum computing, QKDAbstract
Post quantum is a general name to all the techniques which are safe against the quantum computer attack. The wireless network is one of the most important means of communication. Wireless network security is a top priority. Wireless networks use conventional cryptography, which has various flaws, whereas quantum cryptography claims to be completely secure. It wasn't long after quantum computers became operational that people began to think about new ways to secure electronic communications. After considering all of the weaknesses in conventional cryptosystems, individuals began to look for new ways to secure electronic communications. Traditional cryptography has many problems, but quantum cryptography addresses nearly all of them.
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Copyright (c) 2023 MUHAMMAD SAFWAN ABD AZIZ, Hassan Falah Fakhruldeen, Rana Abbas Al-Kaabi, Feryal Ibrahim Jabbar, Ibrahim H. Al-Kharsan, Sarah Jawad Shoja

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