Models and Methods of Information and Control System Cyber–security for Smart Buildings
Building automation system, IoT, availability tree analysis, FPGA, VHDLAbstract
Smart building management systems today employ the architectural multi-level creation of a system of unified components. Such a market is dynamic and always expanding, and sometimes the developers of such components stop maintaining their products or even collapse and vanish. It's not always possible to use professional-level components from proven developers when a building automation system (BAS) project budget is limited. The construction and analysis of models that consider the dependability and cyber security aspects of maintenance as well as ways of validating the selection of components, strategies, and service parameters are both necessary steps in finding compromises between the BAS architecture's value and quality. Use of information technology to determine maintenance parameters based on a model and model development approach.
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Copyright (c) 2023 MUHAMMAD SAFWAN ABD AZIZ, Hassan Falah Fakhruldeen, Karrar A. Kadhim, Tahreer Abdulridha Shyaa, Heba Abdul-Jaleel Al-Asady

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