Preliminary Study of Utilizing Polyaniline as Electrode Material for Supercapacitor Application: Juxtaposition of Electrochemical Performances
Substrate, dopants, electrolyte, specific capacitanceAbstract
Polyaniline (PANI) were prepared via a one-step electrochemical polymerization method in 0.2 M aniline and 0.2 M dopants for supercapacitors (SCs) application. To determine the appropriate conditions and materials for SCs application, the type of substrate, scan rate, dopants, and electrolyte on PANI were varied. The PANI composite's potential to store energy was conducted and evaluated using cyclic voltammetry in a three-electrode setup. The PANI-carbon felt demonstrated the best electrochemical performance compared to other substrate namely carbon and stainless steel. It is found that utilising H2SO4 as both dopant and electrolyte results in high specific capacitance.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Nur Dina Zaulkiflee, Abdul Latif Ahmad, Nuur Fahanis Che Lah, Siew Chun Low, Nishiyama Norikazu

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