High-accuracy Cloud Point Scanning Method based on a Dual Laser 3D Scanner for Head Profile
3D scanning, Anthropometric, Data measurement, ErgonomicsAbstract
The purpose of this study is to investigate the efficient method of collecting 3D cloud points of head profile Malaysian. The objective of the research is to analyse the head anthropometric data with having the accuracy of the computations in several typical settings characterized by time-consuming, resolution levels and computed cloud point file sizes with eliminating artefacts. This case study approach is a statistical analysis and comparison of existing manual anthropometric and digital landmark measurements. This research is also dedicated to determining the relative accuracy of anthropometric head profile measurement using a 3D scanner to digitally generate a cloud point 3D file. In addition, the scanned cloud point 3D file is to be measured, and the degree of closeness of the manual anthropometric method to the absolute true value can be calculated. Participants were among Universiti Teknologi Malaysia’s students. They volunteered to share their head profile to collect anthropometric data. The steps of process procedures were conducted by setup a 3D handheld scanner, creating and collecting data from manual anthropometric measurement, scanning and reconstructing head profile, editing scan data and parameters, creating mesh data and transferring data to the software Geomagic, and carrying out data analysis and comparison by using Minitab. Thus, the analysis of variance and the standard deviation is conducted by using Minitab. Three sample objects were specified and analysed, their parameters in the registration process and the relative accuracy of the measurement data. As result, data comparison between the percentage errors of high detail, medium detail and low detail for each set of different fixed time runs. The high detail setting, which gives the average absolute difference, achieves the highest accuracy size (0.02mm) within the given nine-time frames. In comparison, the highest average absolute difference for low detail given 1.04mm, the second was medium detail given 0.97mm and the third was high detail given 0.93mm. Based on the overall data observation, the three sets of detail resolution settings at different fixed times contributed to the measurement with an average absolute difference between 0.02mm and 1.04mm. The accuracy of data can be optimized between the processing time and the typical settings of the resolution. The overall data measurement was analysed and the best time-consuming 3D scanning is shown in the figure, each resolution of a typical setting is between 210 seconds and 240 seconds. The purpose of carrying out this experiment is intending to reduce the scan-time consumption of 3D scanning, to minimize the variability and closer to well-perform anthropometric measurement data that has high accuracy. In conclusion, the accuracy of the 3D scan model is affected by the time processing and the typical settings of the resolution during the head contour scan. Therefore, optimum typical settings of the 3D scanner can help users minimise the impact of time-consuming and quality issues on the final 3D head profile scanning model.
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