LH-Moments of the Wakeby Distribution applied to Extreme Rainfall in Thailand


  • Busababodhin Piyapatr Mahasarakham University.
  • Chiangpradit Monchaya Mahasarakham University.
  • Phoophiwfa Tossapol
  • Jeong-Soo Park
  • Do-ove Manoon
  • Guayjarernpanishk Pannarat Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies, Nong Khai Campus, Khon Kaen University




L-Moments, LH-Moments, Wakeby Distribution, Higher-Order Statistics, Bootstrap Resampling


This article applies the Wakeby distribution (WAD) with high-order L-moments estimates (LH-ME) to annual extreme rainfall data obtained from 99 gauge stations in Thailand. The objectives of this study investigate to obtain appropriate quantile estimates and return levels for several return periods, 2, 5, 10, 25 and 50 years. The 95% confidence intervals for the quantiles determined from the WAD are derived using the bootstrap technique. Isopluvial maps of estimated design values that correspond to selected return periods are presented. The LH-ME results are better than estimates from the more primitive L-moments method for a large majority of the stations considered.

Author Biographies

Busababodhin Piyapatr, Mahasarakham University.

Applied Statistics Research Unit, Department of Mathematics.

Chiangpradit Monchaya, Mahasarakham University.

Applied Statistics Research Unit, Department of Mathematics.


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