The treatment of stabilized landfill leachate using iron-activated persulfate and peroxymonosulfate oxidation




Chemical Oxygen Demand, sulfate radical, coagulation-flocculation, advanced oxidation process, ecotoxicity


Application of sulfate radical based advanced oxidation process for wastewater treatment has gained more attention recently. In this study, the feasibility of SR-AOP in the reduction of chemical oxygen demands (COD) of pre-treated landfill leachate was evaluated. In this study, coagulation-flocculation pre-treatment was found to degrade nearly 70% of COD of the raw leachate. However, the COD concentration was still exceeded the discharge limit for most of the countries. The pre-treated leachate was then subjected to SR-AOP. In this work, sulfate radical was generated by using Fe(II) activated persulfate (PS) and peroxymonosulfate (PMS). Oxidant:Fe(II) ratio, the dosage of oxidants and reaction time was found to be the main parameters which influence the COD reduction efficiency for both PMS/Fe(II) and PS/Fe(II) treatment systems. Nevertheless, the initial pH of leachate and types of oxidants were not significantly influenced the COD degradation. By using the optimal condition, nearly 83 and 84% of COD were reduced by the combination of coagulation-flocculation treatment coupled with PMS/Fe(II) and PS/Fe(II) treatments. Ecotoxicity analysis by zebrafish showed that the toxicity was significantly reduced after coagulation-flocculation. However, the toxicity was found to be slightly increased after SR-AOP due to the presence of residual sulfate ion in the treated effluent. 

Author Biographies

Ahmad Razali Ishak

Dept of Environmental Health

Faculty of Health Sciences

UiTM, Puncak Alam

Sharifah Mohamad, Universiti Malaya

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science

Kheng Soo Tay, Universiti Malaya

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science


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