Optimization of radiation shielding design for 13 MeV cyclotron using K-500 concrete, paraffin, and lead


  • Eko Jumpeno PTKMR BATAN
  • Rasito Tursinah PSTNT BATAN
  • Nazaroh Nazaroh PTKMR BATAN
  • Iman Taufik PTKMR BATAN




Radiation shielding, 13 MeV cyclotron, K-500 concrete, paraffin, PHITS


An optimization design has been developed for radiation shielding of the 13 MeV DECY-13 cyclotron using K-500 concrete, paraffin, and lead. The optimization of shielding was done by calculation of      K-500 concrete thickness, paraffin, and lead in order to reduce the equivalent dose rate outside the shielding walls of 1 μSv/hour. The neutron and gamma TVL’s of each material and the thickness of shielding walls was calculated using Monte Carlo method by PHITS computer code. From this calculation, it was obtained that a shielding design of DECY-13 cyclotron with the first layer is 42 cm thick of paraffin, the second layer is 100 cm of K-500 concrete, and an 18 cm thickness of lead as a target chamber hood shielding. This result shows that the DECY-13 shielding design was optimized using K-500 concrete, paraffin, and lead which is able to reduce the concrete thickness from previous design of 170 cm.

Author Biographies

Eko Jumpeno, PTKMR BATAN

Radiation Protection

Rasito Tursinah, PSTNT BATAN

Radiation Protection

Nazaroh Nazaroh, PTKMR BATAN

Radiation Protection

Iman Taufik, PTKMR BATAN

Radiation Protection


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